About Us

Ukraine Power is here to bring power and light to Ukraine through this incredibly dark days.

Ukraine Power - Bringing heat and light to Ukraine
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Our Motivation

The People of Luhansk are suffering the great burden of war without electricity, heat and light

  • Raising money IMMEDIATELY is the greatest challenge Ukraine Power faces over the first working year.
  • Local sources report that in the Luhansk Region, 90% of Public Utilities are Down due to Russian bombs
  • The ravages of harsh winter have arrived, and people are freezing to death daily in the Luhansk region.
  • Without electricity, other utilities like water purification systems and sewage do not function.
  • In Ukraine we coordinate directly with the Governor of Luhansk’s office to understand regional power needs.
  • Internationally, Ukraine Power purchases equipment directly in Europe. We are a working partner with Ukrainian Action, a UK-based NGO. This enables Ukraine Power to maximize every donation’s power to provide urgently needed, life saving equipment at the best price, and following established delivery routes.
  • Domestically Ukraine Power partners with organizations like the Renew Democracy Initiative to better spread our mission across multiple messaging platforms, bringing their knowledge and networks into our actions.
  • Mostly by word of mouth, to date, the initiative has raised $30,000 of our initial immediate goal of $350,000.
  • The founders and board at Ukraine Power understand that launching this initiative is taking a risk. There is no alternative. Ukraine’s Democracy must not fail.The people of Ukraine deserve world attention and assistance.
  • We understand that the war against Ukraine is a precursor to further Russian aggression aimed at Europe.
  • The Russian strategy to freeze out the civilian populations in Ukraine is a crime against humanity. The actions of Ukraine Power area strategic resistance to this afront. Please help us stand against tyranny and oppression.

Do what’s in YOUR power to help!

The Ukraine faces an immediate need for electric generators. These generators provide heat and the ability to cook, making it possible to survive the harsh Ukrainian winter.
